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Policyn för kakor senast uppdaterad 27.06.2024

Vad är en kaka (cookie)?

En kaka eller cookie är en liten datafil som lagras i din dator, surfplatta eller smartmobil. En kaka är inte ett program som kan innehålla skadlig programvara eller virus.

Hur webbplatsen använder kakor

Vissa kakor utför nödvändiga funktioner på webbplatsen. Kakor hjälper oss också förstå varför du besöker webbplatsen, så vi kontinuerligt kan optimera och målinrikta webbplatsen efter dina specifika behov och intressen. Kakor kommer t.ex. ihåg varor som lagts i en varukorg, om du har besökt webbplatsen tidigare, om du är inloggad och det språk och den valuta du föredrar att se på webbplatsen. Vi använder också kakor för att specifikt inrikta våra annonser mot dig på andra webbplatser. Oftast använder vi kakor som en del av vår tjänst för att visa dig innehåll som är så relevant för dig som möjligt.

Du kan se de specifika tjänster som lagrar kakor och varför de gör det under de olika kategorierna:

Listan nedan visar detaljer kring hur kakor används på hemsidan.
CookieLawInfoConsentCookieYes sets this cookie to record the default button state of the corresponding category and the status of CCPA. It works only in coordination with the primary cookie.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisementSet by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie records the user consent for the cookies in the "Advertisement" category.
wpEmojiSettingsSupportsWordPress sets this cookie when a user interacts with emojis on a WordPress site. It helps determine if the user's browser can display emojis properly.
mStripe sets this cookie for fraud prevention purposes. It identifies the device used to access the website, allowing the website to be formatted accordingly.
__stripe_midStripe sets this cookie to process payments.
__stripe_sidStripe sets this cookie to process payments.
woocommerce_items_in_cartWooCommerce sets this cookie to record if there are any items in the WooCommerce shopping cart.
woocommerce_cart_hashWooCommerce sets this cookie to determine when cart contents/data changes.
wp_woocommerce_session_*WooCommerce sets this cookie to make a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each one.
viewed_cookie_policyThe cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessaryThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-functionalThe cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-performanceThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analyticsThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics".
cookielawinfo-checkbox-othersThis cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other.
yt-remote-session-nameThe yt-remote-session-name cookie is used by YouTube to store the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video.
yt-remote-cast-availableThe yt-remote-cast-available cookie is used to store the user's preferences regarding whether casting is available on their YouTube video player.
yt-remote-fast-check-periodThe yt-remote-fast-check-period cookie is used by YouTube to store the user's video player preferences for embedded YouTube videos.
sp_tThe sp_t cookie is set by Spotify to implement audio content from Spotify on the website and also registers information on user interaction related to the audio content.
sp_landingThe sp_landing is set by Spotify to implement audio content from Spotify on the website and also registers information on user interaction related to the audio content.
yt-remote-device-idYouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences using embedded YouTube videos.
ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYThe cookie ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY is used by YouTube to store the last search result entry that was clicked by the user. This information is used to improve the user experience by providing more relevant search results in the future.
yt-player-headers-readableThe yt-player-headers-readable cookie is used by YouTube to store user preferences related to video playback and interface, enhancing the user's viewing experience.
yt-remote-connected-devicesYouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences using embedded YouTube videos.
yt-remote-session-appThe yt-remote-session-app cookie is used by YouTube to store user preferences and information about the interface of the embedded YouTube video player.
yt-remote-cast-installedThe yt-remote-cast-installed cookie is used to store the user's video player preferences using embedded YouTube video.
pys_first_visitPixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services.
pysTrafficSourcePixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services.
pys_landing_pagePixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manages the analytical services.
last_pysTrafficSourcePixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services.
last_pys_landing_pagePixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manages the analytical services.
_fbpFacebook sets this cookie to display advertisements when either on Facebook or on a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting the website.
_ga_*Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.
_gaGoogle Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session and campaign data and track site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognise unique visitors.
sbjs_migrationsSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_current_addSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_first_addSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_currentSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_firstSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_udataSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_sessionSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
_gcl_auGoogle Tag Manager sets the cookie to experiment advertisement efficiency of websites using their services.
pys_session_limitPixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services.
pys_start_sessionPixelYourSite plugin sets this cookie to manage the analytical services.
Annons sets this cookie to determine if the user's browser supports cookies.
IDEGoogle DoubleClick IDE cookies store information about how the user uses the website to present them with relevant ads according to the user profile.
yt.innertube::requestsYouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
yt.innertube::nextIdYouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
frFacebook sets this cookie to show relevant advertisements by tracking user behaviour across the web, on sites with Facebook pixel or Facebook social plugin.
YSCYoutube sets this cookie to track the views of embedded videos on Youtube pages.
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTube sets this cookie to measure bandwidth, determining whether the user gets the new or old player interface.
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAYouTube sets this cookie to store the user's cookie consent state for the current domain.
hmt_idDescription is currently not available.
__cflbThis cookie is used by Cloudflare for load balancing.
loglevelNo description available.
advanced_ads_visitorDescription is currently not available.
_cfuvidDescription is currently not available.
libsyn-paywall-sDescription is currently not available.
__codnpNo description available.
pbidDescription is currently not available.
SSESS08eef52234ec20f032dd36d81a04549dDescription is currently not available.

Hur länge lagras kakor?

Tiden som en kaka lagras i dina enheter och webbläsare varierar. En kakas livslängd beräknas utifrån ditt senaste besök på webbplatsen. När en kakas livslängd löper ut raderas den automatiskt. Alla våra kakors livslängd uppges i vår policy för kakor.

Hur du nekar eller tar bort kakor

Du kan när som helt neka alla kakor och/eller tredjepartskakor helt och hållet genom att ändra inställningarna i din webbläsare i din dator, surfplatta eller smartmobil. Var inställningarna finns beror på vilken webbläsare du använder. Du bör dock vara medveten om att om du nekar alla kakor och/eller tredjepartskakor kommer det finnas funktioner och tjänster som du inte kommer kunna använda på webbplatsen (eftersom de är beroende av kakor).
Du kan välja bort kakor från Google Analytics här.

Hur gör jag för att ta bort kakor?

Det är lätt att radera kakor som du tidigare godkänt. Tillvägagångssättet beror på vilken webbläsare (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) och vilken enhet du använder (smartmobil, surfplatta, PC, Mac).
Ofta finns verktyg för borttagning under inställningar – Sekretess och säkerhet – men det kan variera mellan olika webbläsare. Ange vilken enhet/webbläsare du använder (klicka på den länk som stämmer):

Ändra ditt samtycke

Du kan ändra ditt samtycke genom att antingen radera kakor från din webbläsare eller ändra dina inställningar på hemsidan

OBS: Om du använder mer än en webbläsare måste du radera kakorna i alla.

Har du några frågor?

Ta gärna kontakt med oss om du har några kommentarer eller frågor gällande vår information och/eller behandling av personuppgifter.